Weekly Schedule
Porcelain orchid (Cloraea magellanica)

(Mt. Paine, Patagonia, Chile)
This week schedule
March 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Time Zone@ @ Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
10 ` 11 a.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z
11 ` 12 a.m. Z Z Z Z Z ~ Z
0` 1 p.m. Z Z Z Z Z ~ Z
1` 2 p.m. Z Z Z Z Z ~ Z
2` 3 p.m. Z Z Z Z Z ~ Z
3` 4 p.m. Z ~ Z ~ Z ~ Z
4` 5 p.m. Z ~ Z ~ Z ~ Z
5` 6 p.m. Z ~ Z ~ Z ~ Z
›=staying at office ~=out of office or another appointment (Please note that the schedule may change)
Next week schedule (planned) @
March 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Time Zone@ @ Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
10 ` 11 a.m. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
11 ` 12 a.m. Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
0` 1 p.m. Z Z Z Z Z Z Z
1` 2 p.m. Z Z Z Z ~ Z Z
2` 3 p.m. Z Z Z Z ~ Z Z
3` 4 p.m. Z Z Z Z ~ Z Z
4` 5 p.m. ~ ~ Z Z ~ Z Z
5` 6 p.m. ~ ~ Z Z ~ Z Z
›=staying at office ~=out of office or another appointment (Please note that the schedule may change)

Location & Traffic

Railways Odakyu Line: Umegaoka (20 min.)
Inokashira Line: Higashi-matsubara (7 min.)
Keio Line: Daitabashi (7 min.)

Hide Matsunaga

Insite Research Co., Ltd.,
156-0042 2-8-6-704 Hanegi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
Tel: Tel: 03-6379-0741 Fax: 03-6379-0740 Mobile: 080-5455-8480

E-mail: matsunaga@insite-r.co.jp URL: http://www.insite-r.co.jp/